Saturday, 16 March 2013

VDBMS: A Testbed Facility for Research in Video Database Benchmarking

VDBMS: A Testbed Facility for Research in Video Database Benchmarking 

VDBMS research1 is motivated by the requirements of  video-based applications to search by content, and by the need for testbed facilities for research in video database management. Our fundamental concept is to provide a full range of functionality for video as a well-defined abstract 
data type. The research issues addressed include: MPEG7 for multimedia content representation, techniques for image processing, high-dimensional indexing, multimedia 
query processing and optimization, new query operators, real-time stream management, access control models for streaming, and search-based buffer management. VDBMS also provides an environment for testing and comparing algorithms in a standardized way. We are currently developing component wrappers with well-defined interfaces to facilitate the modification or replacement of 
components. Our ultimate goal is a flexible, extensible framework that can be used for developing, testing and benchmarking video database technologies. 

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