Saturday, 16 March 2013

VDBMS: A Testbed Facility for Research in Video Database Benchmarking

VDBMS: A Testbed Facility for Research in Video Database Benchmarking 

VDBMS research1 is motivated by the requirements of  video-based applications to search by content, and by the need for testbed facilities for research in video database management. Our fundamental concept is to provide a full range of functionality for video as a well-defined abstract 
data type. The research issues addressed include: MPEG7 for multimedia content representation, techniques for image processing, high-dimensional indexing, multimedia 
query processing and optimization, new query operators, real-time stream management, access control models for streaming, and search-based buffer management. VDBMS also provides an environment for testing and comparing algorithms in a standardized way. We are currently developing component wrappers with well-defined interfaces to facilitate the modification or replacement of 
components. Our ultimate goal is a flexible, extensible framework that can be used for developing, testing and benchmarking video database technologies. 

The Video Database Management System Technology

The vdbms Project
Advancing Multimedia Database Technology

About vdbms. The vdbms Project is an ongoing multidisciplinary research effort at Purdue University for advancing multimedia database technology. This initiative has successfully developed a video-enhanced database system that supports comprehensive and efficient database management for digital video databases, including: feature-based preprocessing for video content representation and indexing, video and meta-data storage, video query processing, buffer and storage management, and continuous video streaming. Our fundamental concept is to provide a full range of functionality for video as a fundamental database object. vdbms has been developed as a research platform and supports the entire process of investigating, implementing, analyzing and evaluating new multimedia techniques.
Multimedia Database Management
The Research Platform
[click here] for a diagram of the system architecture.
[click here] for a look at the query interface.

A Distributed Database Server for Continuous Media ICDE 2002

A Video Database Management System for Advancing Video Database Research MIS 2002

Medical Video Mining for Efficient Database Indexing, Management and Access ICDE 2003

A Video Database Management System Presentation at ICDE 2002.

vdbms Poster A Video Database Server for Content-based Video Query and Retrieval.

Query Interface Demonstration(.wmv file) and Script.
Description of the query, browse, retrieve and stream functionality of the vdbms query interface.

System Architecture (.wmv file) and Script.
Description of the underlying video-enhanced database technology.
Serving Telemedicine:
WebVideo for Medical Education
The Telemedicine Project Summary Report for the State of Indiana, November 2001.

EduMed Poster WebVideo for Medical Education.

EduMed Search and disovery in digital medical video libraries for basic and continuing medical education. Presentation, December 2001.

Distributed Multimedia Libraries for Medical Education Bringing search, discovery and presentation of video information directly into medical classrooms. 
Download Presentations, Slides, Demo Movies                

Related Projects.

VDBMS processes video for content representation and uses the indexed content to support video query, search and retrieval. A video is a sequence of frames -- and the video frame sequence can be divided into shots using image processing techniques or by a domain expert.
VDBMS image processing for content representation and indexing supports (1) video shot detection, (2) feature extraction -- per frame and per shot, (3) key frame extraction, with one key frame representing each detected shot. VDBMS also supports the assignment of annotations and keywords to video shots for semantic content representation. The video, with its image and semantic-based content representation, are stored in VDMBS to support query and retrieval though the query interface.
FeatureExtraction extracts the features (per shot and per frame) and the key frames. SQLGen generates the SQL statements that insert the features, the video shots and the key frames into VDBMS. WinClient-ICDE is a windows client through which the user may access and query the video database. vdbms itself is built on top of the UNIX version of Predator.
Needed DLLs
VDBMS Binaries
VDBMS Source Code

 W. Aref, A.C. Catlin, A. Elmagarmid, J. Fan, J. Guo, M. Hammad, I.F. Ilyas, M.S. Marzouk, S. Prabhakar, A. Rezgui, E. Terzi, Y. Tu, A. Vakali, X.Q. Zhu. A distributed database server for continuous media. In ICDE'02 Proceedings of the 18th Internationl Conference on Data Engineering. Feb.26-Mar.1, 2002. San Jose, California. pp. 490-491.

 W. Aref, A.C. Catlin, A. Elmagarmid, J. Fan, M. Hammad, I.F. Ilyas, M.S. Marzouk, X.Q. Zhu. A Video Database Management System for Advanding Video Database Research. In MIS'02 Proceedings of the Internationl Workshop on Multimedia Information Systems. Oct.30-Nov.1, 2002. Phoenix, Arizona. To appear.

 X.Q. Zhu, J. Fan, W. Aref, A.C. Catlin, A. Elmagarmid. Medical Video Mining for Efficient Database Indexing, Management and Access. In ICDE'03 Proceedings of the 19th Internationl Conference on Data Engineering. March 5-8, 2003. Bangalore, India. To appear.

 I. F. Ilyas, W. Aref, A. Elmagarmid. Joining ranked inputs in practice. In VLDB'02 Proceedings of the 28th VLDB Conference Hong Kong, China. 2002. To appear.

 M. Hammad, W. Aref, A. Elmagarmid. Search-based buffer management policies for streaming in continuous media. In ICME'02 Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo. Lausanne, Switzerland. August 26-29, 2002. To appear.

 X. Zhu, J. Fan, W. Aref, and A. Elmagarmid. ClassMiner: Mining medical video content structure and events towards efficient access and scalable skimming. In Proceedings of the SIGMOD Workshop on Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. Madison, WI. June, 2002. To appear.

 I. Ilyas and W. Aref. SP-GiST: An Extensible Database Index for Supporting Space Partitioning Trees. Journal of Intelligent Systems (JIIS). 17(2-3). pp. 215-235. 2001.

 X. Q. Zhu, J. Fan, and A. Elmagarmid. Hierarchical Video Content Description and Summarization using Joint Semantci and Visual Similarity. ACM Multimedia Systems. To appear.

 W. Aref, A.C. Catlin, A. Elmagarmid, J. Fan, M. Hammad, I.F. Ilyas, M.S. Marzouk, X.Q. Zhu. Search and discovery in digitial video libraries. CSD TR #02-005. February 2002.

 M. Hammad, W. Aref, A. Elmagarmid. Joining Multiple Data Streams with Window Constraints. CSD TR #02-008. May 2002.

 W. Aref, K. El-Bassyouni, I. Kammel, and M. Mokbel. Scalable QoS- Aware Disk Scheduling. In IDEAS-02 Proceedings of the International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium. Alberta, Canada. July, 2002. To appear.

 W. Aref. ACM-GIS 2001. In Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems. Atlanta, GA. Novenber 9-10, 2001. To appear.

 M. Mokbel and W. Aref. Irregularity in Multi-Dimensional Space-Filling Curves with Applications in Multimedia Databases. In Proceedings of the Conference on Information and Knowledge Managemenet. CIKM 2001. pp. 512-519.

 I. Ilyas and W. Aref. An Extensible Index for Spatial Databases. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Statistical and Scientific Databases. Virginia. July 2001.

 M. Hammad, W. Aref, A. C. Catlin, M. Elfeky, and A. Elmagarmid. A Stream Database Server for Sensor Applications. CSD TR #02-009. May 2002.

 J. Fan and A. Elmagarmid. Semi-automatic algorithm for video object extraction and temporal tracking. Signal Processing: Image Communication. Vol. 17. 2002. To appear.

 W. Aref, A.C. Catlin, A. Elmagarmid, J. Fan, M. Hammad, I.F. Ilyas, M.S. Marzouk, X.Q. Zhu. Search and discovery in digitial video libraries. Submitted for publication. 2002.

 W. Aref, M. Elfeky, and A. Elmagarmid. Incremental, online and merge mining of partial periodic patterns in time-series databases. IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering. 2002. To appear.

 X. Zhu, A. Elmagarmid and A. C. Catlin. InsightVideo: Toward hierarchical content organization for efficient browsing, summarization and retrieval. Submitted for publication. 2002.

 W. Aref, I. Kamel, and S. Ghandeharizadeh. Disk Scheduling in video editing systems. IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering. 13(6). pp. 933-950. November/December 2001.

 J. Fan, W. Aref, A. Elmagarmid, M-S. Hacid, M. Marzouk, and X. Zhu. MultiView: Multi-level video content representation and retrieval. Journal of Electrical Imaging. 10(4). pp. 895-908. October, 2001.

 J. Fan, M-S. Hacid and A. Elmagarmid. Model-based video classification for hierarchical video access.Multimedia Tools and Applications. Vol. 15. October, 2001.

 E. Bertino, A. Elmagarmid and M-S. Hacid. Quality of service in multimedia digital libraries. SIGMOD Record., 30(1), pp. 35-40, March 2001.

 J. Fan, W. Aref,M-S. Hacid and A. Elmagarmid. An improved isotropic color edge detection technique. Pattern Recognition Letters. pp. 1419-1429, 2001.

 J. Fan, D. Yau, A. Elmagarmid, and W. Aref. Automatic image segmentation by integrating color edge detection and seeded region growing. IEEE Trans. On Image Processing. 10(10). pp.1454-1466. 2001.

 A. Bertino, M. A. Hammad, W. Aref and A. Elmagarmid. An access control model for video database systems. In Proc. CIKM Ninth International Conf. on Information and Knowledge Management. pp. 336-343. November, 2000.

 H. Jiang, D. Montesi, and A. Elmagarmid. Integrated video and text for content-based access to video databases. Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications. 9(3). Kluwer Academic Press. November, 1999.

For Further Reference please visit the following Link.

